Saturday, March 6, 2010

Squirrels and Independence

So it has been a while since I have posted anything but that is because school has been crazy. I am really doubting that I'll be physically capable to work full time in the future because I have realized that I will go to extreme measures just to take nap. Extreme meaning skipping classes, which is not a good idea when I am missing class quizzes. Part of the reason that I stopped considering med school is because I know I can never keep that kind of lifestyle. I NEED my rest, more so than the average person, so I am on a quest to find a job that doesn't require me to wake up at 4 in the morning.
Right now I am in the nation's capital!! We went to walk by the national mall this morning and ended up in the National Archive. It was pretty cool seeing all the important documents in US history complied in one place. One really neat thing was that they posted letters sent to Presidents over the decades by just normal folks, and many times children, either stating a complaint or a suggestion; they also have explanations of the actions the Presidents took based on those letters. I think that is the best part about democracy is that everyone has a say, and it was interesting to see it in the archives. We also went to the Rotunda which houses the Declaration of Independence, Bill of Rights and the US Constitution. There were some middle school kids on a school trip chattering about how much they're so glad they left the main (noncool) group, which reminds me of my middle school days. This one girl asked a question: "the declaration of independence is the constitution right?" And this security guard standing by the constitution kept telling everyone in line that Thomas Jefferson did not sign the document, he was in France at the time, he was the French Ambassador, he was not in the country, he couldn't have signed the document. Haha it was good to know, and I probably will not ever mess that question up on trivia or something.
We went to sit by the big open space on the national mall, and I saw an albino squirrel!!. Everyone who knows me well can attest to my unhealthy obsession with squirrels. They are just so cute and spaztic! And it was fearless! It was running all around the people looking for food, and of course, people can't resist their cuteness kept feeding it food. Then the birds came over, and it had to establish some territory by jumping at the birds. I bought, or asked Matt to buy fries specifically for the squirrel which he wasn't happy about and I probably looked like a five year old trying to feed a squirrel food. BUT I don't care because I can cross feeding my favorite animal off my to do list! It was overall a good day. A sunny day just makes everything better. I suggest everyone to find a park and just sit and people watch, you're sure to chuckle a bit and realize that whatever problems you have, they can be solved by playing frisbee or reading a favorite book. Well maybe not solved, but happily delayed.

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